Trust Advisor

By, Dr. Mario Giovanni Figlioli


*Trust Advisor*, led by Dr. Mario Giovanni Figlioli, is an international tax consulting service specialized in helping Italian businesses reduce their tax burden. We offer personalized and highly professional solutions to optimize your tax situation, ensuring compliance with current regulations and maximum efficiency.


Our Services

International Tax Planning

Optimization of Corporate Structure: We analyze and restructure your corporate setup to take advantage of favorable tax jurisdictions, ensuring greater tax efficiency.
Use of Foreign Holdings: We implement holding companies in Qatar or other favorable jurisdictions to maximize tax benefits on dividends and capital gains

Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing Documentation and Strategies: We define transfer pricing policies in line with OECD and Italian regulations, minimizing taxes on intra-group transfers.
Comparability Analysis: We conduct comparability studies to ensure transfer prices are aligned with market value

Cost Management & Deductibility

Deduction of International Costs: We identify and implement strategies to increase the deductibility of international costs, improving your overall tax position.
Consultation on Research and Development (R&D) Expenses: We offer advice on how to maximize tax deductions for R&D expenses, leveraging available incentives.

International VAT Recovery

VAT Recovery Services: We manage the recovery of VAT paid on business expenses abroad, improving your company’s liquidity.
Consultation on VAT Registration in Foreign Countries: We assist with VAT registration and compliance in other jurisdictions for companies operating internationally.

Compliance and Tax Conformity

Tax Audits and Reviews: We conduct comprehensive reviews of your tax practices to ensure compliance with Italian and international regulations.
Regulatory Updates: We provide regular updates on regulatory changes in Italy and internationally that may affect your business.

Consultation on Tax Incentives and Credits

Identification of Tax Incentives: We analyze the tax incentives available to your company, such as tax credits for investments in capital goods, innovation, and digitization.
Assistance with Tax Credit Applications: We support the preparation and submission of applications to obtain tax credits.

Training and Staff Development

Workshops and Seminars: We organize training sessions for company staff on best tax practices and regulatory updates.
Educational Materials: We provide practical guides and manuals to improve internal tax management.

Advantages of Trust Advisor

International Expertise

Benefit from Dr. Mario Giovanni Figlioli's vast international experience to implement advanced and compliant tax strategies.


Our base in Qatar allows us to operate in a jurisdiction with a favorable tax regime, offering optimal solutions for your company.

Confidentiality and Security

We guarantee the utmost confidentiality and security in handling sensitive business information.

Personalized Services

We offer tailor-made solutions that address your business's specific needs, ensuring tangible results and legal compliance

 Trust Advisor: Who We Serve
*Trust Advisor* offers specialized international tax consulting services designed to cater to a diverse range of Italian businesses. Our goal is to help these businesses reduce their tax burden, optimize their tax structures, and ensure compliance with international tax regulations. Below is a detailed description of the target clients who can benefit the most from our services:

Medium and Large Enterprises 
*Characteristics*: Companies with significant turnover, complex operations, and an international presence or plans to expand abroad.
*Needs*: Tax structure optimization, cross-border operations management, compliance with international tax regulations.

 Multinational Corporations
*Characteristics*: Italian companies with subsidiaries, affiliates, or operational activities in multiple countries.
*Needs*: Transfer pricing policy management, global tax optimization, international VAT recovery, efficient use of foreign holdings.


Innovative Start-ups
*Characteristics*: Young, rapidly growing companies, often in the tech, biotech, or digital sectors, with potential for global expansion.
*Needs*: Tax planning to attract investments, maximizing R&D tax deductions, identifying and utilizing tax incentives.

 Manufacturing Sector Companies
*Characteristics*: Companies operating in the industrial and manufacturing sectors with significant exports and international supply chains.
*Needs*: Deduction of international costs, transfer pricing policy management, VAT recovery on overseas expenses.

Service Sector Companies
*Characteristics*: Companies in professional services, consulting, e-commerce, and logistics sectors with global clients and operations.
*Needs*: Tax structure optimization for cross-border services, international tax compliance, management of globally deductible costs.

 Energy and Natural Resources Companies
*Characteristics*: Companies in the energy, oil, gas, and natural resources sectors with operations in multiple jurisdictions.
*Needs*: International tax planning, investment structure optimization, compliance with complex tax regulations.

 Holding and Investment Companies
*Characteristics*: Companies managing portfolios of investments in other companies and complex financial operations.
*Needs*: Structuring foreign holdings, tax optimization on dividends and capital gains, transfer pricing policy management.

 Companies Undergoing Restructuring
*Characteristics*: Companies undergoing corporate restructuring processes, mergers, and acquisitions.
*Needs*: Tax planning for restructuring, tax optimization for M&A operations, compliance with tax regulations during structural changes.

Non-Profit Organizations and International Bodies
*Characteristics*: Organizations operating on an international scale seeking to optimize the tax management of funds and donations.
*Needs*: International tax compliance consulting, optimization of cross-border donations, tax management of international operations.

*Trust Advisor* services are tailored to meet the needs of a wide range of Italian businesses with complex and/or international operations. Our targeted consultancy can help these companies reduce their tax burden, improve compliance, and optimize global tax management.

Contact Us

For more information about our services or to request a personalized consultation, please contact us by filling the form:

*Trust Advisor*: Your trusted guide for efficient and compliant tax management, led by the expertise and leadership of Dr. Mario Giovanni Figlioli.