Regaining Performance and Improving Sleep: Strategies from a Personal Trainer and Mental Coach

Dr. Mario Giovanni Figlioli for MarioFit — Personal Trainer and Mental Coach

I want to address a crucial topic for anyone dedicated to physical and mental wellness: the importance of both daytime and nighttime rest to optimize our performance and improve the quality of our sleep.

We often underestimate the impact that daily stress, anxieties, and worries have on our nighttime rest. These emotional states not only disrupt our sleep but also affect vital parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate. A key indicator for monitoring these aspects is HRV, or heart rate variability, which provides valuable information about our physical and emotional well-being.

How Can We Improve Our Sleep and Recovery?

Identifying the factors that disturb our rest is the first step. Then, it is essential to organize our day by incorporating true breaks, dedicated to completely disconnecting from work routines and digital distractions like mobile phones and social networks.

The Types of Rest We Need

  • Social Rest: Socializing can be exhausting. It’s important to balance moments of sociability with periods of solitude to allow our minds to reorder thoughts and lighten heavy emotions.
  • Sensible Rest: Intense and frequent emotions trigger biochemical reactions that tire both body and mind. Finding a calm and relaxing place helps the brain reduce anxiety levels.
  • Sensory Rest: Limiting the use of our senses, especially hearing, and dedicating time to tranquility helps improve the quality of rest. Quiet spaces away from distractions allow the brain to relax and regenerate.

The Role of Diet in Rest

What we eat plays a crucial role in the quality of our sleep. Overly processed foods or junk food can complicate digestion and increase anxiety, hindering restorative rest.

Breaks as an Integral Part of Our Journey

Remember, slowing down and taking moments to pause doesn’t mean wasting time; on the contrary, these interruptions are essential to maintaining a high quality of life and optimal performance.

For more insights, feel free to contact me.

Dr. Mario Figlioli

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