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The Genesis: The Personal Journey That Contributed to the Creation of Invtron DAO

Dr. Mario Figlioli – From Inspiration to Innovation: Invtron DAO

For years, I have worked with SMEs and small businesses, holding presidential roles in Italy for artisan associations such as CNA (National Confederation of Craftsmanship), and for business networks like Rete Punica, which I founded. I have created and participated in educational projects for young people in schools, like “Officine e Botteghe Aperte,” aimed at introducing the arts of local craftsmanship in Italy to bring youth closer to businesses. These experiences, especially in management where I am engaged in processes of internationalization and development in various countries such as Northern Europe, Russia, Persian Gulf, Africa, and India, have made me increasingly aware that both in developed and developing countries, a significant problem for those with an innovative idea that could also contribute socially is that, in most cases, the idea is lost. And with it, the motivation of the inventor is lost because bureaucracy or the system makes the entire process too lengthy and complicated in developed countries, and impossible in underdeveloped ones.

During my exploratory journey in the rural and agricultural areas of southern India, as I ventured into the jungle to reach a village where I would spend the night, I deepened my acquaintance with Ali, a young 19-year-old guide. Ali, besides guiding, worked the land producing cereals. During our long six-hour walk, he told me about his dream of changing the irrigation method and the benefits it would bring in terms of increased productivity and the possibility of distributing the products to many other villages in the country, but it was very complicated because it required money.

This encounter was pivotal. Ali’s story, so similar to those of many other young entrepreneurs I had encountered in my travels, pushed me to think of a solution that could overcome the barriers imposed by traditional financing channels. It was during a conversation with an old friend, now a partner in everything, Malek Almsaddi, a blockchain expert who had already reflected on similar problems, that we together materialized the idea of Invtron DAO. This decentralized platform based on blockchain technology would not only provide the necessary funding but also offer managerial and strategic support through a network of “endorsers” and “advisors.” Invtron DAO would become a bridge between young visionaries like Ali and global investors eager to support sustainable and revolutionary projects.

With Invtron DAO, we aim to create a system that can truly accelerate and facilitate the financing process, making it more accessible, transparent, and less bureaucratic. In this way, innovative ideas with a potential positive social impact will no longer be lost due to the complexities of the system or the lack of resources. Invtron DAO aims to transform the enthusiasm and innovative ideas of young entrepreneurs into tangible realities that can benefit entire communities and contribute to sustainable development globally.

An example of how Ali could finance and realize his innovative project in the cultivation and production of cereals thanks to Invtron DAO:

Ali lives in a village in a developing country, where infrastructure is scarce, and access to traditional financing is almost impossible. Local banks rarely support innovative agricultural initiatives, and opportunities to obtain venture capital or other external investments are limited due to lack of visibility and the difficult economic situation. These barriers make it extremely complicated for entrepreneurs like Ali to realize projects that could transform their communities.

The role of Invtron DAO in identifying innovative ideas: Invtron DAO stands out in the financing landscape for its active commitment to identifying and supporting innovative and sustainable ideas like Ali’s. The platform uses a global network of experts, known as “endorsers,” and advanced technologies to discover promising projects that often remain invisible in traditional circuits. The endorsers are elected members of the Invtron DAO community with specific skills who evaluate the projects to ensure they are viable and sustainable. These experts also provide advice and support to the projects during the development phases.

The role of Advisors: In addition to endorsers, Invtron DAO employs “advisors,” expert consultants who provide strategic guidance and managerial support to designers like Ali. The advisors help navigate market challenges and optimize business plans, ensuring that the projects not only start on a solid foundation but continue to grow and adapt over time.

How Ali comes to know about Invtron DAO: Ali discovers Invtron DAO thanks to a workshop organized by a local NGO that collaborates with Invtron to identify and support innovative agricultural projects in his country. The NGO, aware of the challenges that Ali and other local entrepreneurs face, introduces them to the Invtron DAO platform as a viable alternative to obtain funding and managerial support. Impressed by the mission and successes of Invtron DAO, Ali decides to explore this opportunity.

Ali’s project: a sustainable approach to cereal cultivation Ali has a revolutionary idea to improve the cultivation and production of cereals in his village using sustainable techniques and advanced technologies to increase yield and reduce environmental impact. His vision includes the adoption of drip irrigation systems controlled by IoT sensors to optimize water resource use and the introduction of smart agricultural practices that can adapt to climate changes.

The Invtron DAO solution: financing and support beyond traditional boundaries To overcome financial and logistical barriers, Ali decides to rely on Invtron DAO. Invtron DAO not only offers a platform for decentralized crowdfunding through cryptocurrencies but also provides essential managerial and strategic support.

Through Invtron DAO, Ali can:

  • Step 1: Preparation and presentation of the project Prepare a detailed proposal that highlights the innovation and benefits of his project. Register on the Invtron DAO platform and submit his project for community evaluation.
  •  Step 2: Active involvement of the Invtron DAO community After initial approval, Ali uses the forums and webinars of Invtron DAO to present his project, participate in discussions, and answer investors’ questions. This not only increases the visibility of the project but also helps build a global support network.
  • Step 3: Fundraising and project management Once the project is approved for fundraising, Ali can receive investments directly. Invtron DAO, in addition to facilitating financing, offers managerial consultations to help Ali manage the budget, plan development, and implement the best operational strategies.
  • Step 4: Continuous support and development With the funds received and the ongoing support of Invtron DAO, Ali begins the realization of his project. The advisors and endorsers continue to provide strategic consulting and support, ensuring that the project not only takes off but thrives in the long term.

In this way, Invtron DAO not only helps Ali overcome financial barriers, but also creates value and possibilities for his community, transforming innovative ideas into tangible realities that can benefit entire communities.

Benefits for Ali’s community  

Ali’s project brings numerous benefits to his local community, which goes beyond mere cereal production. Here are some of the main benefits:

  • Increase in Agricultural Productivity: The introduction of advanced and sustainable cultivation techniques will allow for an increase in crop yields. This not only improves local food security but also the economic independence of the community.
  • Conservation of Water Resources: The use of drip irrigation systems controlled by IoT sensors optimizes water consumption, a resource often scarce in many developing communities. This reduces unnecessary consumption and ensures that water is available for other essential needs.
  • Training and Employment: The project involves training community members on new technologies and cultivation methods. This not only improves local skills but also creates new job opportunities related to the management and maintenance of new agricultural infrastructure.
  • Sustainable Development: The sustainable approach adopted by Ali helps minimize the environmental impact of agriculture, promoting practices that can be maintained in the long term without depleting local resources.

Benefits for Invtron DAO 

Investors Investors who support Ali’s project through Invtron DAO enjoy several strategic and financial advantages:

  • Investment Return: Investors have the opportunity to participate in an innovative project with significant growth potential. If Ali’s project scales up, investors can expect a financial return on their shares.
  • Portfolio Diversification: By investing in a sustainable agricultural project in a developing country, investors can diversify their portfolios, reducing risk through exposure to new markets and sectors.
  • Social and Environmental Impact: Investors contribute to an initiative that has a positive social and environmental impact, aligning their investments with sustainable development goals. This not only satisfies the growing demand for responsible investments but also improves the public image of investors.
  • Innovation and Sector Leadership: By participating in innovative projects like Ali’s and many others, investors position themselves as leaders in supporting advanced and sustainable solutions, further promoting innovation through their capital.

Ali’s project not only has the potential to transform agricultural production in his community, but also offers significant opportunities for both investors and community members. Through Invtron DAO, Ali not only accesses the necessary capital to realize his vision, but also continuous support and expertise that can ensure the long-term success of his project.

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