Brand Journalism: Kulassa’s Narrative Revolution in the Marketing World

Di Mario Figlioli per Kulassa, presente nella rubrica Italian Gaze: marketing and Business

In the vast ecosystem of marketing, a strategy is powerfully emerging, transforming the way companies communicate with their audience. We’re talking about Brand Journalism, a practice that combines journalistic rigor with corporate storytelling to narrate stories that capture both attention and hearts. Today, thanks to Kulassa, we’ll explore the power of Brand Journalism and how it can revolutionize your corporate communication.

The Essence of Brand Journalism

Andy Bull, considered one of the pioneers of this discipline, describes Brand Journalism as the adoption by companies of journalistic techniques to tell their own story to the audience. Larry Light, CEO of Arcature, sees it to convey what happens “inside” a brand, creating a narrative that, over time, helps to define the company’s essence.

In short, Brand Journalism represents an innovative communication strategy that uses traditional journalistic methodologies to authentically and engagingly tell the story of a company or brand. It is also a unique way of marketing, different from conventional techniques, that conveys corporate values through stories and detailed, personalized informational content.

Why is Brand Journalism Crucial?

In an era of advertising overdose, it becomes essential to offer the public a fresh perspective full of quality content. Brand Journalism aims to shift the focus from the brand to the news itself, narrating the story, traditions, and values surrounding the company, transforming the consumer into an informed and engaged reader.

Five Steps to Implement Brand Journalism in Your Strategy

  • Know Your Story: Identify what makes your company unique, highlight your mission, your values, and what sets you apart.
  • Highlight Your Strengths: Every company has something that distinguishes it. Use these strengths to tell your audience something genuinely authentic.
  • Define Your Audience: Understanding who your interlocutors are is crucial to meet their needs with targeted content.
  • Create Unique Content: Ensure that what you communicate faithfully reflects your brand’s identity and involve your team in content creation.
  • Adopt Journalistic Techniques: Using the 5 Ws (Who, What, Where, When, Why) and traditional journalistic techniques are essential to ensure the reliability of your content.

The Role of Kulassa

Kulassa, your trusted marketing firm, is at the forefront of applying Brand Journalism, creating narratives that not only inform but inspire. Through the use of videos, photos, and visual elements, we enrich content to offer a dynamic and engaging reading experience.

Want to learn more about how Brand Journalism can transform your company’s communication? Visit our blog at to discover how Kulassa is redefining the rules of marketing and business with stories that make a difference.

Dr. Mario Figlioli, Socio Fondatore e COO di Kulassa

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